Based upon your answers, it looks like...

You suffer from Blood Sugar Trigger #8

 The Post-Exercise Spike Trigger

I've analyzed your answers to the Blood Sugar Trigger Quiz and I've isolated what I believe to be your Blood Sugar Trigger.

Now what comes next could be a big eye opener for you....

You see, most people never consider this trigger when they're thinking about how to keep their blood sugar levels under control.


"I was diagnosed as having diabetes type 2 over five years ago. Understanding my blood sugar trigger and following your advice has allowed me to now live a perfectly healthy life. I have regular checkups (blood and urine tests) with my GP and I still have completely normal blood sugar levels and my weight is OK."

And they don't realize how much this one trigger dramatically damages their health...

Now in your case, based on everything you've told me...

It looks like you suffer from Blood Sugar Trigger #8, which is what I call ...

The Post-Exercise Spike Trigger

Because Blood Sugar Trigger #8 folks really struggle with balancing their blood sugar, you'll want to read this special report right now.

Pay particular attention to my 2 specific solutions to deal with your Post-Exercise Spike Trigger - which is especially important for people like you.

Let me share with you a little more about what that means.

Here's how it works...

Let me tell you how to avoid this widow maker. 

Regular exercise is your fast track ticket to balanced blood sugar levels because when you're active, your cells are sucking the sugar right out of your bloodstream. So your body releases more glucose to keep feeding your cells.

Sounds, good right?

Well here's the thing... there's a fine line between balanced and then off the charts...

Let me explain...

When your activity level is mild to moderate, your body nicely balances glucose and insulin.

now, when your workouts are intense, your glucose production rockets up to seven times the normal levels, while only producing half the insulin needed.

That spells trouble quickly...

And when I say trouble I really mean...

You get...An Instant blood sugar spike.

Now there's good news and bad news ...

The bad news is this...

When you suffer from Blood Sugar Trigger#8 and you don't do anything about it, you can end up with a real problem on your hands.

Here's why...

If you're a pre-diabetic or a diabetic, your doctor has probably already explained how physical exercise can help lower your blood sugar.

But you may not realize that something as healthy as an intense workout can quickly turn into a life-threatening situation.

So if you like to work out hard, you may need to rethink your routine because you could be doing more harm than good.

Instead of decreasing your blood glucose, your exercise habits are putting an additional strain on your body.

If you're type 1 diabetic, the danger doesn't stop there...

That's because your body produces little or no insulin, which means your body can't balance the extra glucose that floods your system when performing a high-intensity workout.

So that's the bad news...

Here's the good news ...

Unlike some blood sugar triggers

Yours is something that you can actually DO something about...

There are a couple of simple steps you can take to avoid your trigger and these simple steps can help you protect your future health.


"I can have a reading of 59 when I am not taking insulin or glucophage.  I am very happy with these results. Thanks for taking the time to explain to me why my blood sugar spikes when it does and give practical advice on what to do about it. keep up the good work.  I’m sure normalizing my blood sugars is a great health benefit for me. "

First of all, DON'T let this trigger keep you from exercising. 

Staying active will keep your body healthier and prevent other complications due to your diabetes. Still, you'll need to take some precautions when you push yourself physically.

First, be sure to talk to your doctor before starting a new workout program. He can help you understand the effects different types of exercise have on your blood sugar levels.

You'll also want to keep your routine consistent, exercising at the same time of day and for the same length of time from workout to workout. This will help you keep your blood sugar levels within a normal range.

If you want to ramp up the intensity of your workouts, do it slowly. The fact is, the more vigorous your exercise plan is, the more likely you are to experience high blood sugar.

so, it's essential to check your blood sugar before, during and after your workout.

For most people, you want to see your pre-exercise levels between 100 to 250 mg per litter (5.6 to 13.9 mm per litter).

And this is really important...

Stay well hydrated during your workout.

It takes six water molecules to flush one glucose molecule out of your system so, as your blood sugar climbs, you need to drink more water.


"I began following your advice on balancing my blood sugar, and positive results were noticed immediately. During the first week, my daily insulin intake had been reduced from 140 total units to 45 units, and BG readings were better than they had even been, averaging under 100 throughout the day."

And over time, you'll find yourself...

Wanting to take a few more steps each day...

Eating more of your favorite foods...

Suffering from fewer food cravings...

Able to play and work longer...

Whilst having more fun and laughing a lot more!

Wouldn't it be great to start your day with a bounce in your step and hope in your heart?

How would that change your life?


"I was diagnosed with type II diabetes.  BG levels ranged between 250 and 300.  This was quite a shock as there was no previous history of diabetes within my family. They placed me on the traditional high carbohydrate, low fat diet, with carbohydrates averaging 250 grams each day.  I was not willing to accept this way of life, and I began searching the internet for information and answers.  I was lucky and found your information about my blood sugar trigger. I can never thank you enough for giving me a new life and the ability to control my diabetes without needles or medication."

Well, I've seen time and time again. people's lives transformed by taking a little action, addressing their Blood Sugar Trigger and taking a blood sugar balancer.

However most people don't have access to anything like this...

Now the problem is that most people don't have access to anything like this that can help balance their blood sugar levels.

I know this first hand...

When my Mother in law was around, she was always struggling with her blood sugar levels.

One day her energy was up, the next day she would plummet into despair. I felt helpless watching her go through this. it seemed like there was no solution.

I spent months looking for a good blood sugar balancer that met all of these guidelines.

I read even the most difficult of scientific studies.

I spoke with top doctors from around the world.

I was willing to spend any amount of my money to help my Angel.

And yet, I couldn't find anything on the market that measured up. None of the blood sugar balancers worked. Now at the time, I didn't understand why they didn't work...

But as I raced against the clock, I was determined to find a solution. My angel was worth it. Because The love that she showed me, drove me to keep trying to find a solution.

But ultimately, time ran out... and I lost my sweet angel. In those dark days after she passed away, I was left to wonder, "What can I do to honor my mother in law's legacy?"

And how can I help others who have my same story?

You see, along the way, I ran into person after person who had my same story. They also struggled to find a solution... and they also failed.

Which brings me to the reason why I'm telling you all of this today.

After 3 years hard work I came up with a solution...

For the last three years since my mother in law left me I've been hard at work with my team and we've been developing something that's never existed before...

Here's how you can join the "You End Type2 Diabetes" Group today...

To get started, scroll to the bottom of this page.

Then fill in your information...


And because your results show that you're such an ideal candidate...

I want to extend an additional courtesy that the public doesn't have access to a special presentation of the "5 Steps to End Type 2 Diabetes in 90 days" that is good only for members of our "You End Type 2 Diabetes"Group.

Next steps...

First, ask yourself WHY you might want to fix Your blood sugar trigger #1 . Think about it, YOUR reasons are the best reasons.

Then imagine what it will be like when you finally have your blood sugar under control. What does it feel like?

Then ask yourself WHY this is important to You.


"I would like to report to you the great success I have had with my Type II diabetes, due primarily to your advice. I never dreamed I would be able to eat so little, and be satisfied."

Let me wrap this up by asking you a question...

First, let me tell you what you're looking at here. According to the New York Times, the average life expectancy of an American right now is around 78 years of age.

However, on 6 January 2015 the Journal of the American Medical Association published a paper showing people with diabetes who did not manage their blood sugar balance live 11-13 years less than the national average. I've highlighted the danger years in red on the grid.

The good news is that another study in the same issue showed that keeping your blood sugar balanced and within the normal range can add back years.

So my question to you is this...

How many more X's are you going to fill in the boxes of your life... and how many more will you lose before you decide to take control, keep your blood sugar within the normal range and start living the life you deserve?

I suspect that you have already hit that wall yourself, where you're saying enough is enough, and now is the time.

Could now be the time to "take control" of your blood sugar and your life? Imagine being vibrant, full of energy, feeling great, able to work and play as you wish, living life to the fullest again. This could be your chance.


"this is truly the solution to blood sugar balancing, and is the best thing next to a solution as a treatment for this destructive disease. It helped me in both a huge reduction in the number of hypoglycemic and hyperglycemic episodes and a dramatic decrease in the overall insulin dose, while also normalizing blood sugar readings. In fact, my hemoglobin A1C numbers are consistently in the low end of the normal range (from 4.4 to 5.2, with the normal range from 4.2 to 6.5). "

Claim your Blood Sugar Cheat Sheet of the
5 Steps to End Type 2 Diabetes in 90 days” now…

Get control of your blood sugar trigger #8 ...

Stop fearing for your health and start living your perfect life...

Just join the group...

And get started today!

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Get control of your blood sugar trigger...

Claim your Blood Sugar Cheat Sheet of the
5 Steps to End Type 2 Diabetes in 90 days” now…

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